Interactive Business Continuity Workshop in Whangarei

The normal price for the day is $260 + GST per person, but through the Taitokerau Business Resilience Project, this has been heavily discounted to just $49 + GST!


06th June 20241 Day Hand-on-Workshop

Cyclone Gabrielle was a big wake-up call to many businesses in Taitokerau.

In our uncertain world, where natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, cyber-attacks, fires, systems breakdowns, and other unexpected events can occur at any moment, it’s crucial to future-proof your business against them.

Are you looking to create or update your Business Continuity Plan?

We’ve got you covered!

Join this one-day hands-on workshop from 9.30am – 4.30pm on June 6th (Thursday) at ‘the Orchard’ in Whangarei.  

Organised by Northland Inc, we’ll work through a comprehensive workbook and other tools, with expert guidance, to ensure your business’s resilience. Tea/coffee and lunch will be provided.

The normal price for the day is $260 + GST per person, but through the Taitokerau Business Resilience Project, this has been heavily discounted to just $49 + GST!

Nalin Wijetilleke, a renowned Business Continuity expert with over thirty years of experience training people locally and internationally, will facilitate the workshop. He is one of Aotearoa’s most highly qualified, award-winning Business Continuity professionals.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!   Reserve your seat today.

Business Continuity Workshop

Your training day

Subtotal $56.35

Total due $56.35



  • Certified ISO 27001 Information Security Management Lead Implementor and Lead Auditor
  • Certified ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Lead Implementer and Lead Auditor
  • Certified GDPR Data Protection Officer.